In this small Calla Bis room we can imagine forwards and backwards of the sensual and wild bay that forms the barrier beach.
The intimate atmosphere of the luminous matrix blue and the mosaic pavement remind sandbanks mixed with rocks and reeds. It likes a small cove where we feel comfortable to think about mirages full of incredible stories and wonders told by the sea. On the blue bedside table there are two majestic impressive vessels that show historical epics of the Neapolitan and Tuscan people that used to stopped there to fish the red gold represented by the corals.
Situated near the coral colored wardrobe’s mirror, like a shell displaying precious stone, a wonderful multicolored armchair referring to the splendor of the colours of the sea bed, particularly well known of this coast.
Then through the powerful yellow and multicolored stripes, we are invited to see the sea fans, multicolored sponges that could be a sort of decorations for the exciting ballet of carps and groupers and for the abundance of unique marine flora.